ADHD Reminders
by OffBeat Solutions
Attach Reminders to any window or your desktop screen
Move the reminder windows to where you want and they will stay there
Reminder windows in the way?
Minimize or close them, they will come back up when the window is clicked again. -
It's too easy to dismiss a reminder in a cell phone app then forget about it. If you close your reminders, they will come back up next time you click on the associated window
Have Specific reminders open daily and other Reminders open only on specifc days
Easily add to or edit your notes
Easily delete unwanted notes
Have ADHD Reminders automatically start when logged in
Easily change the location of your stored reminders to a cloud share like Google Drive or One Drive on two or more computers to have those notes available on every computer you use
Two installs allowed per purchase
The birth of ADHD Reminders
I have had ADHD my whole life. It was a struggle in school and my personal and professional life.
Family would tell me "Just take notes" but as I did that, I would have so many notes put in so many strategic places that I would forget things because those notes were in places that I used to see regularly but then stopped. This lead to conflict because I was taking notes, but that system didn't work for me and those without ADHD could not understand my dilemma.
When smart phones came out, I started using all the reminders I could find. They were all good in their own way, but the problem was that sometimes I would forget to record my notes on my phone or I would get the reminder, but the volume would be turned down and I miss the alert or I would be so busy that I would dismiss the alert thinking I would get to it, then forgot about it because it wasn't "in my face".
That is where ADHD Reminders comes in. It takes an "In Your Face" approach to reminders. Since I am in front of a computer either at home or at work most of every day, I had one central spot for them. If the reminder windows get in the way of what I am focusing on, I can close or minimize them, but they would always reappear which is what is most helpful as long as I don't completely shut down the program, which I don't.
I think you will find how valuable ADHD Reminders can be for yor daily life.